Frequently Asked Questions

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Category: Training

Courses need to be completed annually until fully compliant, whilst courses completed before the enrolment date are valid and recorded, it does not remove the requirement to complete courses annually.

Category: Training

You are required to complete at least 1 course per year, until fully compliant.  If you complete all the course training requirements in one year, you do not need to complete any further training until these expire.

Category: Training

Yes, if a course is completed again within the valid period, the expiry date is based on five years from this date of attending the latest course.

Category: Training

Once you have completed a course, the provider will issue you with a certificate confirming successful completion of the training course. Copies of the certificates should be forwarded to the scheme administrators, by email or in the post.  The scheme administrators will verify it and then add this to your Lion Training Passport.  Please allow up to one week for this to appear on your Lion Training Passport. You will receive confirmation that your submitted training details have been added.

Category: Training

It is expected that at least one course is completed per year, until fully compliant.  Fully compliant is when all courses are completed and are in-date.

Category: Training

Written confirmation that this has been completed is sufficient; this should be on headed paper and state the employee’s start date and that the induction has been completed.

Category: Training

An induction is provided by an employer to inform a new staff member of operational and procedural requirements.  This will vary between locations and employers and therefore a sign-off of this being completed is sufficient.  This does not need to be submitted at the time of registration.

Category: Training

Visit the Provider page on our website for details of providers of approved training. Contact the provider directly to book your training.

Category: Training

The Gangmasters, Labour and Abuse Authority has been working with the poultry and egg sectors to raise awareness of modern slavery and ensuring that everyone can spot the signs of labour abuse and know how to report it. As part of this focus, the industry working group decided to make training in subject a requirement for all roles in the scheme.

Category: Training

No, courses can be completed in any order. However, biosecurity training must be completed by all scheme members within 2022/23.

Category: Training

The Lion Training Passport scheme’s requirement is for every site to have at least one designated first aider – this designation is defined at the point of registration onto the scheme. One designated first aider per site is the minimum requirement defined by the scheme. A first aid risk assessment carried out on that site may well indicate the need to provide more than one first aider.

The designated first aider must have attended an Emergency First Aid at Work or First Aid at Work course within the last three years. Providers of these courses are not subject to approval by the scheme, however are required to deliver courses as per the ‘HSE’s information sheet GEIS3(rev1) Selecting a first aid training provider: A guide for employers (’. A course that does not meet these requirements in relation to content and trainer competence could not be recognised by the scheme as a suitable first aid course.

Where a farm is a single person operation, first aid provision may alternatively be provided by another nominated person, not employed by the operation, but who is on-site at all times. First aid training of this person should be at the above standard.

Category: Training

No, Rodenticide training is only required where a organisation places the bait themselves.

Where site operators place their own rodenticide bait, the operator conducting this activity must hold a qualification recognised by the CRRU Guidelines.  CRRU recognises a number of legacy and current qualifications, which are published on their website.  Recognising the importance of effective rodent control in the control of Salmonella, this training should be completed every five years.  However, this period will be reduced to three years where site operators cannot demonstrate effective rodent control is in place during their inspection by Lion Code of Practice auditors.

Category: Training

All those working on egg production sites (excluding breeding and rearing sites) must hold a current food safety/hygiene certificate at all times. All food safety/hygiene certificates expire after three years of issue.

The mandatory training requirement for Food Safety by the Lion Training Passport can currently be fulfilled by either attending a Basic Level 1 Food Safety/Hygiene qualification OR a Lion Passport Food Safety training course.

However, for certificates that expire later than 1st January 2022, only the Lion Training Passport Food Safety training course will fulfil this training requirement. Certificates for the Basic Level 1 Food Safety/Hygiene qualification will still be valid until their expiry date.

Category: Training

Training is required to be delivered as a course – these can either be face-to-face, delivered as a live online session or on a specialist e-learning platform.  All courses approved by the scheme have completed an approval process to ensure that they include the content required and are delivered by a tutor who has topic experience as well as the skills to deliver a session. During their period of approval, QA checks are completed to ensure that the standard is maintained and is consistent across all delivery partners.

First Aid courses can only be delivered face-to-face and can only be Emergency First Aid at Work OR First Aid at Work courses.