Frequently Asked Questions
Click on one of the headings below to browse our list of frequently asked questions; alternatively, type your question in the box to search for your answer. Click + beside the question to reveal the answer.’
No, they can be completed by hand or by typing directly into the PDF form. When submitting the staff details (page 2), this can be submitted on an MS Excel sheet.
Yes, a packer or farm group can submit group registrations on an organisations behalf, as long as they have consent to pass this information onto us. Each producers details should be submitted on a separate application – this shows the approval of data sharing, as well as provide organisation contact details for the setting up of correct access and automated reporting distribution.
Yes, additional members can be enrolled at any time by completing an enrolment form and sending it to the scheme administrators
All those who tend to the livestock or have contact with the eggs are required to be registered – this includes owner-managers as well as egg collectors/graders. There are however some exemptions, which are listed below:
It is not necessary for someone of the following employment status to be registered on the scheme who is: –
• Less than 18 years old and within full-time education, excluding an Apprenticeship
• Within the first four months of employment
• Classed as a casual worker (the term casual worker usually applies to temporary working; such as which occurs only once, and for a short period of time, or which occurs more often but on an irregular or unpredictable basis)
Your date of birth is used to ensure that there is no duplication of records – the combination of your name and date of birth is checked at registration to ensure that you don’t already have a record. We also use this information to define your personal password to access the system – we have found that individuals find these more memorable that random characters. Finally, we also use this information to check identities of those who make contact with us – if you forget your login details, we will ask you for some information from your original enrolment to check that we are talking to the correct person and safeguard your data.
Only an individual can access their profile page which holds the date of birth. It is not included on the Dashboards that an employer can view or within the reports that they can generate.
More information of how your data is held and processed can be found in our Data Protection policy statement.